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For Immediate Release


Deloitte & Touche Technology Fast 500
Washington CEO Magazine's 1998 software leaders
Washington Blue Chip Enterprise Initiative Award

(January 13, 1997 - Seattle, WA) HyperBole Studios, a leading developer of interactive entertainment, was named to the list of 1998 software leaders for Washington CEO Magazine and has won a spot on the new Deloitte & Touche Technology Fast 500 for 1997.

The Deloitte and Touche Technology Fast 500 rates the fastest growing technology companies in the United States, while Washington CEO Magazine lists what they consider to be the state's top software companies. In addition to this recognition, last year HyperBole was ranked tenth in Deloitte & Touche's regional Washington Fast 50 awards for fastest-growing technology companies. The company was also honored with a Washington Blue Chip Enterprise Initiative Award.

Greg Roach, HyperBole's founder and CEO, said, "The key to the company's success is that from the beginning we identified that interactive entertainment was the real business, not the medium of CD-ROM or the Internet. Now we believe the technology is finally catching up, and the market is primed for the kind of experience we offer."

The awards add to the long history of recognition for HyperBole Studios' titles, including a Gold Medal for Best Interactive Movie at the InVision Awards, Best of Show at the First QuickTime Movie Festival, Best Interactive at the Second QuickTime Film Festival, among others.

"It is gratifying, after seven years in business, for HyperBole's business accomplishments to be recognized in the way that our creative and technical achievements always have," said Mr. Roach. "It is also an indication that the entertainment software industry is attaining a significant level of maturity when a small software developer can take its place in this diversifying marketplace."

HyperBole Studios, a creator of world-class interactive entertainment, was founded in 1990 by Greg Roach, one of the country's leading interactive designers. Its interactive game engine, VirtualCinema, and award-winning CD-ROM titles have consistently broken new ground in the interactive entertainment market. The company is currently developing The X-Files CD-ROM Adventure for Fox Interactive, and has just signed a development agreement for a new title with Stephen King.


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