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For Immediate Release

The X-Files Game Scores at the
New Media InVision Awards

Fox Interactive and HyperBole Studios
Deliver Award-Winning Title

SEATTLE, WA -- November 17, 1998 - The X-Files Game, published by Fox Interactive and developed by HyperBole Studios, received a "Best of Show" award and four other key awards for its design and development work at this year's New Media InVision Awards held in San Francisco recently. Established in 1993, the InVision awards recognize excellence in digital work from around the world.

Along with "Best of Show," The X-Files Game won an Award of Excellence for Creative and Technical Achievement. The game also took home gold awards for "Best Game" and "Best Digital Storytelling," as well as a silver award for "Best Video."

"It is satisfying to be recognized for our commitment to delivering a quality title that truly captures the look and feel of the TV series," said Jon Richmond, president, Fox Interactive. "Just like the show breaks new ground for television, we strove to set new standards in the interactive industry. HyperBole did a fantastic job with this game."

"We been 'underground' for the past few years as we've worked on The X-Files Game and the newest version of VirtualCinema," said Greg Roach, HyperBoleÕs CEO. "So it's wonderful, now that both those products are shipping, to be recognized for the work weÕve done. The 'Best of Show' at InVision is, in particular, quite distinguished."

Recognized as an innovative industry leader, Fox Interactive, an operating unit of Fox Filmed Entertainment, a News Corporation company, is committed to developing a full range of bold and engaging interactive entertainment. Fox Interactive products are distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. Check out Fox Interactive online at

HyperBole Studios, a creator of world-class interactive entertainment, was founded in 1990 by Greg Roach, one of the country's leading interactive designers. Its interactive game engine, VirtualCinema, and award-winning CD-ROM titles have consistently broken new ground in the interactive entertainment market. The company recently began licensing its VirtualCinema technology.


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